Custom Script: Beispiel Code für einen Wrapper + Auslesen der SSHD Konfiguration

In den folgenden Dateien ist ein Beispiel Wrapper und ein Script zum Auslesen der sshd Konfiguration hinterlegt.

Der Wrapper wird genutzt, um das Skript auszuführen, wobei er sich mittels SSH Key einloggt und die Informationen besorgt.
Hierbei ist zu beachten, dass aus diesem Grund, nur ein Zielsystem im Hacktor angegeben werden sollte, da sonst die Anmeldung bei allen anderen fehlschlägt.


# Enginsight Hacktor
# This script checks if a remote host has SSH password authentication disabled.
# The purpose of this very simple script is to demonstrate how to run custom scripts on remote hosts
# and how to integrate the results into an audit.

# The basic steps for running custom scripts remotely are 1) transfer 2) execution 3) cleanup

# Check status inside the audit is based on the exit code of this script
# 0 passed
# 1 error
# 5 skipped
# 9 failed
# stdout, stderr will be visible inside audit to allow detailed information where necessary


shift # remove the first argument

# verify if ssh is available
for port in "$@"; do
    if [ "$port" = "22" ]; then

if ! [ "$sshAvailable" = true ] ; then
    echo "ssh disabled"
    exit 5 # skipped

# working dir is where ngs-hacktor binary is


if ! [ -f "$HELPER_PATH" ]; then
    echo "cannot access helper: $HELPER_PATH"
    echo "faulty working dir? $(pwd)"
    exit 1 # error

if ! [ -f "$PRIVKEY_FILE" ]; then
    echo "cannot access private key: $PRIVKEY_FILE"
    exit 1 # error

# make temp script dir
ssh root@"$HOST" -i "$PRIVKEY_FILE"  "mkdir -p $TMP_DIR" || { echo 'failed to make test dir' ; exit 1; }

# copy helper script to remote addr
scp -i "$PRIVKEY_FILE" -r "$HELPER_PATH" root@"$HOST":"$TMP_FILEPATH" || { echo 'failed to copy helper' ; exit 1; }

# make script executable
ssh root@"$HOST" -i "$PRIVKEY_FILE"  "chmod 755 $TMP_FILEPATH" || { echo 'failed to chmod helper' ; exit 1; }

# run script and get exit code of helper, do not evaluate stdout/stderr
ssh root@"$HOST" -i "$PRIVKEY_FILE"  "bash $TMP_FILEPATH >/dev/null" ; retcode=$?

# irregardless of execution, require cleanup
ssh root@"$HOST" -i "$PRIVKEY_FILE"  "rm -rf $TMP_DIR" || { echo "failed to remove $TMP_DIR" ; }

if [ $retcode -eq 255 ]; then
    echo "failed to execute remotely"
    exit 1 # error

if [ $retcode -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "remote host $HOST supports password authentication"
    exit 9 # failed

echo "password authentication is DISABLED"

exit 0 # passed # not required, for readability


cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep -E "^(\s+)?PasswordAuthentication no" ; retcode=$?

# will exit with 1 if password authentication NOT disabled
exit $retcode